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2006 Issues Vol. 31
Vol. 31 - No. 1 - 2006
Special Issue: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Foreword
- H. Kona, Sh. Chakravarthy, A. Arora: SQL-based approach to
distributed and incremental association rule mining 1,
- D. Ben-Shimon, A. Shmilovici: Accelerating the relevance vector
machine via data partitioning,
- S. Prinke, M. Wojciechowski, M. Zakrzewicz: Pruning discovered
sequential patterns using minimum improvement threshold,
- M. Pechenizkiy, A. Tsymbal, S. Puuronen: On combining prinicpal
componenets with Fisher's linear discrminants for supervised learning,
- M. Morzy: Density-based measure of reputation of sellers in online
- A. Srinivasan, Sh. Chakravarthy, S. Sheshta: Discovery of significant
intervals in time-series data.
- S. Bhattachryya, P. Dutta: Designing pruned neighborhood neutral
networks for object extraction from noisy background,
- G.-O. Glentis, K. Georgoulakis: Pipelined arcitectures for the LMS
adaptive Volterra filter,
- Ł. Kuszner, A. Nadolski: A self-stabilizing algorithm for
edge-coloring of graphs,
- J. Monnot: A note on the NP-completness of the precoloring extension
coloring problem in triangle free planar graphs,
- M. Szpyrka, T. Szmuc: D-nets - Petri net form of rule-based systems.
- U. Bhattacharya, Z. Ghassemlooy: Overview of shufflenet and its
variations in lightwave networks,
- J. Błaszczyński, L. Dembczyński, W. Kotłowski, R. Słowiński, M. Szeląg:
Ensembles of decision rules,
- A. Giannakos, O. Pottie: Approximate solutions of Happynet on cubic
- B. M. Jankowska: Fast reasoning in a rule-based system with
- M. Kubiak, A. Jaszkiewicz, P. Kominek: Fitness-distance analysis of a
car sequencing problem,
- Q. Nong, J. Yuan: An on-line algorithm for the bounded p-batch
scheduling with chain precedence constraints and unit processing time,
- A. P. Tchangani: SANPEV: a Satisficing Analytic Network Process
framework for Efficiency eValuation of alternatives.