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998 Issues Vol. 23
Vol. 23 - No. 1 - 1998 Contents:
- I. Bluemke: Structural modelling with Petri nets
- F. Quaglia, R. Baldoni, B. Ciciani: Multidatabase global concurrency
control algorithms: a performance analysis
- Z. Królikowski, J. Jezierski: Multiquery optimization methods in data
warehouse and OLAP systems
- M. Jarski: Active Dynamic Programming - breaking the dimension barrier
Vol. 23 - No. 2 - 1998 Contents:
- P. Journee, P. Perny, D. Vanderpooten: A multicriteria methodology for
the verification of arms control agreements in Europe.
- N.F. Matsatsinis, A.P. Samaras, H. Hatzis: Strategic marketing
decisions using raw data, experts' knowledge and multicriteria methods.
- H. Georgescu, I. Popescu: Parallel algorithms for simulating arcsin
random variables.
- R. Susmaga: Computation of shortest reducts.
Vol. 23 - No. 3 - 1998 Contents:
- B. Roy: A missing link in OR-DA: Robustness analysis.
- M. Skomorowski: Image labelling by random graph parsing for syntactic
scene description.
- B. Benson, M. Dror: Linear time procedure for two job flowshop.
- J. Wąsowski: On local solvability of fuzzu equations.
Vol. 23 - No. 4 - 1998 Contents:
- E. Jacquet-Lagreze, D. Montaut, A. Partouche: The shift scheduling
problem: different formulations and solution methods.
- R. Susmaga: Effective tests for minimality in reduct generation.
- K. Chakrabaty, R. Biswas, S. Nanda: On rough relations
- C. Martin-Vide, G. Paun: On the power of erasing in external contextual