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1994 Issues Vol. 19
Vol. 19 - No. 1-2 - 1994 Contents:
- Preface
- J. Arabas, Z. Adamczewski, J. Mulawka: Expert system inference with
fuzzy sets.
- P. Czarkowski, E. Nowak, J.J. Mulawka: Pattern recognition properties
of the Hamming neural network.
- Z.S. Hippe, G. Fic, G. Nowak: Representation of common sense in
chemical syntheses by means of molecular graphs.
- Ch.L. Karr: An intelligent, adaptive process control system.
- A. Kaczmarek: The chemical linguistic knowledge representation used in
the scanlan machine translation system.
- D. Krebsbach, H. Gelertner: Machine learning of semantic constraints
for concept descriptions extracted from a very large database.
- E. Krusinska, N. Shahsavar, A. Babic, Ziao-Ming Gao, O. Wigertz, S.
Chowdhury: A systematic approach to knowledge extraction and
representation for medical decision support.
- A.N. Ladhani, I. De Diana: The acquisition, representation, and use of
knowledge for courseware performance models.
- P.A.D. de Maine: Designe principles for discipline independent rule
based systems.
- E. Nawarecki, K. Centnarowicz: Decentralized decision support system:
the evolution of active agent in environment approach.
- J. Stempczynska, E. Kacki: Problems of knowledge acquisition automation.
- W. Traczyk: Partitions in knowledge discovery and learning.
Vol. 19 - No. 3 - 1994 Contents:
- J. Blazewicz, M.Dror, G. Pawlak, K.E. Stecke: A note on flexible
flowshop scheduling with two-stages.
- R.W. Doran: Quicksort on a PRAM.
- Ch.Ch. Chan, J.W. Grzymala-Busse: On the two local inductive algorithms:
- V.Th. Paschos, M. Demange: Approximation algorithms for minimum set
covering problem: a survey.
- J. Ramik, H. Rommelfanger: Nonnegative extremal solution of a fuzzy
equation and its use in network analysis.
- G. Vossen: Serializability of global transactions in multidatabases: a
pragmatic approach.
Vol. 19 - No. 4 - 1994 Contents:
- N.A. Assimakopoulos: Systems approach in a student's modelling.
- L. Bianco, J. Blazewicz, P. Dell'Olmo, M. Drozdowski: Scheduling UET
multiprocessor tasks.
- J. Blazewicz, R. Walkowiak: DSS for two-dimensional cutting - new tools
improving feasible solution.
- M. Buslowicz: A simple method for robust D-stability analysis of
polynomials with linearly dependent coefficient perturbations.
- N.E. Mastorakis, N.J. Theodorou: Exact and approximate multidimensional
polynomial factorization. Application on measurment processing.
- F.L. Tiplea, T. Jucan: Jumping Petri nets.