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2005 Issues Vol. 30
- J. Górski, J. Miler: Introduction to the special issue on software
- Z. Frylewicz, R. Gierusz: Graphical interface design using XML.
- B. Hnatkowska, M. Piasecki: Conceptual modeling of user interface in
object oriented methodologies.
- A. Jarzębowicz, J. Górski: Experimental comparison of UML-HAZOP
inspection and non-strucutred interview.
- K. Drozdowski, J. Jarzemski, H. Krawczyk, M. Melzer, M. Smółka, B.
Wiszniewski: A cooperative model for implementing complex virtual
- L. Madeyski, M. Stochmiałek: Architectural design of modern web
- M. Szpyrka, T. Szmuc, P. Matyasik, W. Szmuc: A formal approach to
modelling of real-time systems using RTCP-nets.
- Z. Bubnicki: On allocation problems for a complex of parallel
operations described by uncertain variables.
- S. Dumitrescu: Aspects context freeness for hyperedge replacement
- E. Fernandez, J. Navarro: Computer-based decision models for R&D
project selection in public organizations.
- Z. Pawlak: Orthodox and non-orthodox sets - some philosophical
- G.D. Samaras, N.F. Matsatsinis, C. Zopoudnis: Towards an intelligent
decision support system for portfolio management.
- Y. Siskos, N. Bouranta, N. Tsotsolas: Measuring service quality for
students in higher education: the case of a business university.
- J. Błażewicz, M. Borowski, P. Formanowicz, T. Głowacki: On graph
theoretical models for peptide sequence assembly.
- D. Emiris, D. Koulouriotis, N. Matsatsinis: Development of an idef0
model od integrated logistics support system (ILS) for the armed forces.
- G. Mavrommatis, J. Kalligatsis, J.-Ch. Panayiotopoulos: MOP:
Mutation-Oriented Programming.
- M. Sikora: An algorithm for generalization of decision rules by
- S. Tsasakou: Formal refinement modeling using patterns in
hardware/software co-design.
- N.H. Viet, M. Kleiber: Neural networks in solving systems of
interval linear equations.
- G. Christodoulou, V. Zissmopoulos: On-line maximum independent set in
chordal graphs,
- M. Drozdowski, M. Lawenda: The combinatorics in divisble load
- D. Koulocheris, V. Dertimanis: A hybrid algorithm for the PEM
estimation of ARMAX structures,
- A. Salappa, M. Doumpos, C. Zopoudnis: Feature selection algorithms in
classification problems: An experimental evaluation,
- M. Schechter, R.E. Steuer: A correction to the connectedness of the
Evans-Steuer algorithm of multple objective linear programming,
- R. Wrembel, B. Bębel, Z. Królikowski: The framework for detecting and
propagating changes from data sources structures into a data warehouse.