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1993 Issues Vol. 18
Vol. 18 - No. 1 - 1993 Contents:
- Z. Borso: A characterization of ranking methods based on t-norms.
- J. Cybulka, J. Martinek: The action semantics interpreter.
- M. Buslowicz: A method for D-stability analysis of polynomials with
linearly dependent coefficient perturbations.
- M. Abdel-Magid: Observers for descriptor systems with unmeasurable
arbitrary disturbances.
Vol. 18 - No. 2 - 1993 Contents:
- B. Bouzaiene-Ayari, M. Dror, G. Laporte: Vehicle routing with
stochastic demands and split deliveries.
- P. Czyzak, R. Slowinski, J. Zak: 'M-FLIP' - an interactive method for
multi-objective mixed integer linear fractional programming under
- J. Dassow, CH. Paun, S. Vicolov: On the power of cooperating/distributed
grammar systems with regular components.
- A. Jaszkiewicz, R. Slowinski: Integration and tests of non-linear
solvers GRG and DIDAS with a microcomputer implementation of the light beam
search over a non-dominated surface.
- Z. Krolikowski: Evaluation of estimation methods of attribute values
distribution and intermediate relation sizes.
Vol. 18 - No. 3-4 - 1993 Contents:
Special issue on Rough Sets - state of the art and perspectives.
- Z. Pawlak: Roug sets: Present state and the future.
- M. Banerjee, M.K. Chakraborty: A category for rough sets.
- M.R. Chmielewski, J.W. Grzymala-Busse, N.W. Peterson, S. Than: The rule
induction system LERS - A version for personal computers.
- A. Lenarcik, Z. Piasta: Probabilistic approach to decision - algorithm
generation in the case of continuous condition attributes.
- T.Y. Lin: Rough patterns in data - roug sets and intrusion detection
- T. Luba, J. Rybnik: Algorithmic approach to discernibility function
with respect to attributes and objects reduction.
- A. Mrozek, L. Plonka: Roug sets in image analysis.
- A. Nakamura: On a multi-modal logic based on the graded classifications.
- L.T. Polkowski: Metric spaces of topological rough sets from countable
knowledge bases.
- C. Rauszer: Distributive knowledge representation system.
- P.K. Sapiecha: An approximation algorithm for a certain class of
NP-hard problems.
- A. Skowron, J. Stepaniuk: Intelligent systems based on rough set
- R. Slowinski: Strict and week indiscernibility of objects described by
quantitative attributes with overlapping norms.
- J. Stefanowski: Classification and decision supporting based on rough
set theory.
- W. Ziarko: Analysis of uncertain information in the framework of
variable precision rough sets.