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1992 Issues Vol. 17
Vol. 17 - No. 1 - 1992 Contents:
- J. Blazewicz, A. Piechowiak, R. Walkowiak: Defining two-dimensional
irregular figures for automatic cutting system.
- L.F.A.M. Gomes, J.R. de Oliveira: A multicriteria approach to
performance measuring for organization processes - the case data processing
- S. Greco: Binary preference relations: a difference-distance and
entropy-uncertainty approach.
- N.E. Mastorakis, N.J. Theodorou: State space model factorization in
m-dimensions. Applications in stability theory.
Vol. 17 - No. 2 - 1992 Contents:
- L.F.A.M. Gomes, P.R. Wagner: Use of a multicriteria decision support
system in setting urban bus tariffs.
- J. Stefanowski: Rough sets theory and discriminant methods as tools for
analysis of information systems. A comparative study.
- S. Tzafestas, A. Triantafyllakis: Optimal task scheduling via the LPT
and multi heuristic under a geometric progression condition.
- Li Xiang: Relationships between polynomial-time random and
exponential-time deterministic complexity classes.
Vol. 17 - No. 3 - 1992 Contents:
- H.T. Nguyen: Intervals in Boolean Rings: approximation and logic.
- P.N. Paraskevopoulos, S.J. Varoufakis, G.E. Antoniou, P.E. Panagopoulos,
G.K. Vaitsis: Three dimensional systems: model reduction via orthogonal
- G. Vossen: Commit-serializability of schedules for relational update
- L.F.A.M. Gomes, M.M.P.P. Lima: From modelling individual preferences to
multicriteria ranking of discrete alternatives: a look at prospect theory
and the additive difference model.
Vol. 17 - No. 4 - 1992 Contents:
- M. Adam, J.-M. Helary: Synchronous distributed algorithms: a proof
- J.M. Coutinho-Rodrigues, J.C.N. Climaco: A decision support system for
node labelling problems with tabu search techniques.
- S. Tzafestas, S. Magoulas, A. Triantafyllakis: An interactive advisory
forecasting system.
- A.S. Vranas: The singificanse of financial characteristics in
predicting business failure: an analysis in the Greek context.