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1997 Issues Vol. 22
Vol. 22 - No. 1 - 1997 Contents:
- Vincent Mousseau: Compensatoriness of preferences in matching and
- Nikos E. Mastorakis: Numerical inversion of the Laplace transform via
fast Fourier transform
- Nikos E. Mastorakis, Meng Joo Er: Application of 2-D Roesser model to
microwave network
- Lourdes D. Melgarejo Perez, Jose de Jesus Hernandez Guerra, Fernando Lopez
Irarragorii: A rough set approach for the management of knowledge in the
evaluation subsystem of an intelligent tutoring system
Vol. 22 - No. 2 - 1997 Contents:
- Ch.L. Karr: Foreward.
- R. Goyal, J.R. Rose: Characterization of a reaction database in terms
of a lower bounds on the number of reaction classes.
- F. Song, R.W. Soukoreff: Graphical interface to a semantic medical
information system.
- G.K. Springer, T.B. Patrick, S.E. Davison: Use of knowledge
representation to share expertise in molecular sequence analysis.
- J.M. Kootsey: Software for the third branch of science: experimental
- I.I. Baskin, M.I. Skvortsova, V.A. Palyulin, N.S. Zefirov: Quantitative
chemical structure - property/activity relationship studies using artificial
neural networks.
- N.S. Zefirov, I.I. Baskin, V.A. Palyulin: Structural design.
- D.E. Lushnikov: Towards flexible reaction representation in computer
assisted synthesis.
Vol. 22 - No. 3 - 1997 Contents:
- B. de Reyck, W. Herroelen: Assembly line balancing by
resource-constrained project scheduling techniques - a critical approach.
- A. Jaszkiewicz: A metaheuristic approach to multiple objective nurse
- S.G. Tzafestas, J. Kalat: Walsh function analysis of parabolic
distributed systems with time-and-space-varying parameters.
- Ph. Fortemps, M. Hapke: On the disjunctive graph for project scheduling.
- G.E. Antoniou: Discrete Fourier transform: transfer function
computation or the Attasi-Kaczorek 2-D state space model.
Vol. 22 - No. 4 - 1997 Contents:
- A. Datta, A. Gosh: Analyzing concurrency control and scheduling
policies in a real-time database system using the framework of discrete
event dynamical systems, automata and formal language theories
- N. Badache: A casual broadcast protocol for mobile computing
- A. Scarelli: Evaluation and ecolabeling for the packaging materials
- J. Józefowska, M. Mika, R. Rózycki, G. Waligóra, J. Weglarz: Discrete-continuous
scheduling with identical processing rates of jobs