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2001 Issues Vol. 26
Vol. 26 - No. 1 - 2001
Special issue on “Evolutionary and Local Search Heuristics in Multiple Objective Optimization”, Part I Contents:
Borges, H.J.C. Barbosa: Obtaining a restricted Pareto front in evolutionary
multiobjective optimization.
- H.
Morita, X. Gandlibleux, N. Katoh: Experimental feedback on biobjective
permutation problems solved with a population heuristic.
- G.
Parks, L. Jianping, M. Balazs, I. Miller: An empirical investigation of
elitism in multiobjective genetic algorithms.
- T.
Ray, K. Tai: An evolutionary algorithm with a multilevel pairing strategy
for single and multiobjective optimization.
- A. Jaszkiewicz: Comparison of local search‑based
metaheuristics on the multiple objective knapsack problem.
Vol. 26 - No. 2 - 2001 Contents:
- L. Alfandari: The minimum bouded-diameter spanning forest problem is
- B. DasGupta, S. DasGupta, A. Chaudhuri: An algorithm for detection of
transient fault in any arbitrarily connected network,
- M. Demange, J. Lorenzo: Approximating values and solutions of
NP-optimization problems: concepts and examples.,
- M. Demange, J. Monnot, V. Th. Paschos: Maximizing the number of unused
Vol. 26 - No. 3 - 2001 Contents:
- J. Błażewicz, P. Formanowicz, M. Kasprzak, K. Michalak, P. Wierzejewski: Clustal W algorithm
for multiple sequence alignment revisited,
- M. Caramia , P. Dell'Olmo , A. Iovanella: On-Line Algorithms for
Multiprocessor Task Scheduling with Ready Times,
- M. Haouari: On the effectiveness of column generation for time
constrained routing problems,
- M. Sh. Levin: Digraph description of k-interchange technique for
optimization over permutations and adaptive algorithm system.
Vol. 26 - No. 4 - 2001 Contents:
- G. Baourakis, P. Drakos, D. Spyridakis: Data analysis for the
identification of Greek distribution channels: the case of organic olive oil.,
- K.H. Kiristis: Disturbance rejection with stability by measurement
constant output feedback for linear-invariant systems,
- V. Th. Paschos: A note on the approximation ratio of graph-coloring.,
- G. Shrabonti, B. Ranjit, S.S. Alam: (alfa,beta) reduction of
decision table: a rough approach.