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2004 Issues Vol. 29
- Z. Huzar, Z. Mazur, J.R. Nawrocki: Introduction to the special issue on
software engineering.
- T. Babczyński, Z. Kruczkiewicz, J. Magott: Performance evaluation of
multiagent information retrieval systems.
- M. Bubak, M. Malawski, P. Nowakowski, R. Pająk, K. Rycerz: Cross-Grid:
an EU integrated project.
- A. Derezińska: Reasoning about traceability in imperfect UML projects.
- M. Gabor, G. Jachimko, J.R. Nawrocki: Making a capture-and-play tool
suitable for agile software development.
- B. Hnatkowska, Z. Huzar, L. Tuzinkiewicz:Collaboration and class
diagram consistency.
- M. Łabuzek: Modelling the meaning of descriptions of reality to improve
consistency between them and business models.
- Z. Mazur, A. Wilczek: On state diagrams construction with dynamic
- J. Miler, J. Górski: Risk identification patterns for software projects.
- M. Momotko, L. Zalewska: Component+ built-in testing a technology for
testing software components.
- B. Pietrzak, B. Walter, J.R. Nawrocki: Automatic bad-smell detection in
Java programs.
- J. Jezierski, M. Masewicz, R. Wrembel: Methods materialisation in
object-oriented databases implementation and experimental evaluation.
- K. Kosmidou, C. Zopounidis: Bank asset liability management programming
techniques: an overview.
- M. Kubiak: Systematic construction of recombination operators for the
vehicle routing problem.
- S. Ghosh, S.S. Alam: Optimal solution of a decision table: a rough set
based software toolkit.
- J. K. Sing, D.K. Basu, M. Nasipuri, M. Kundu: Center selection of RBF
neural network based on modified k-means algorithm with point symmetry
distance measure.
- S. Sankar Basu, A. Chaudhuri: Self adaptive manet: a centralized
- S. Bhattacharya, J. Bhattacharya, A.R. Chaudhuri, U. Bhattacharya: An
automated environment for generation of rapid prototypes.
- J. Józefowska, G. Waligóra: Heuristic procedures for allocating the
continuous resource in discrete-continuous scheduling problems.
- A. Kmiecik, V. Ambriola: Transformations for software architecture
model change.
- M.K. Pakhira, S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Maulik:An annealing-evolution
technique for clustering.
- J.Ch. Tsou, J.M. Chen: Economic production quantity model with
continuous quality inspection.