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1995 Issues Vol. 20
Vol. 20 - No. 1 - 1995 Contents:
- R. Baldoni, M. Raynal: A graph-based characterization of communications
modes in distributed executions.
- H.A. Eiselt, M. Gendrau: Sensitivity analysis of minimax flow centers
in trees.
- F. Hristea: On the masking effect concerning some tests for single
upper outliers in the case of an exponential sample.
- V.Th. Paschos, L. Renotte: Approximability preserving reductions for
NP-complete problems.
Vol. 20 - No. 2 - 1995 Contents:
- R. Slowinski: Editorial
- A. Adamski: Multicriteria Approach to traffic adaptive control at a
single signalized intersection.
- A. Dimitras, C. Zapounidis, C. Hurson: A multicriteria decision aid
method for the assessment of business failure risk.
- I. Kaliszewski, W. Michalowski: Generation of Outcomes with selectively
bounded trade-offs.
- A. Scarelli: The decisional process as an anti-entropy phenomenon.
- T. Trzaskalik: Hierarchy depending on value in multiple criteria
dynamic programming.
- E.L. Ulungu, J. Teghem: The two phases method: An efficient procedure
to solve bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems.
Vol. 20 - No. 3 - 1995 Contents:
- L. Gomes. A. Ferreira: The Multicriteria ABC analysis - application of
rough set theory.
- H. L'Hoir, J. Teghem: Portfolio selection by MOLP using an interactive
branch and bound.
- T. Kampke: Nonadditive preference assessment by nonlinear programming.
- J. Nawrocki, W. Complak, C. Koster: Implementation selection for
Real-time systems.
- J. Pomerol, B. Roy, C. Rosenthal, A. Saad: An intelligent DSS for the
multicriteria evaluation of railway timetables.
- S. Tzafestas, C.Athanassiou: Flexible Petri nets for intelligent robot
cell modelling.
Vol. 20 - No. 4 - 1995 Contents:
- R.K. Anderson, M. Dror, O. Liu: Sheng Inreactive multiobjective linear
programming: The issue of consistency.
- W. Czubra: Stability analysis of the solution of a resource allocation
- M. Klopotek: Interpretation of Belief Function in Dempster Shafer
- N. Mastorakis: Bilinear Transformation of Multidimensional systems.