Title: "Hybrid use of Borda count and PROMETHEE method for maintenance strategy selection problem "
Authors: Sarah Oufella
Pages: 139-160
DOI: 10.2478/fcds-2024-0009

For long-term success, organizations and manufacturing companies must exploit the potential strengths of collective decision making in maintenance management. The maintenance strategy selection issue has been studied in a single decision-maker framework for a long time. This research is one of the first attempts at dealing with the enhancement of maintenance management through the participation of stakeholders in the decision making process. In this context, the author introduces a participatory multi criteria decision model that combines Borda count and PROMETHEE methodology to select the most appropriate maintenance strategy; in accordance with the decision makers’ preferences on a set of strategies evaluated according to conflicting criteria. Therefore, the PROMETHEE II method is used to manage the individual decisions of each stakeholder, while the Borda count is in charge of collectively selecting the best maintenance strategy, taking as a starting point stakeholder's preferences being established thanks to PROMETHEE II. In the same context, the proposed model was applied to a real scenario: a textile company, and can be easily replicated in other industries.

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